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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / First week at Hobart
- - By M Baker (**) Date 07-23-2004 16:23
Mr. Casey
I have just completed the first week of CWI training here at Hobart, in Troy, Ohio. This is a great program, the Instuctors are very thorough. All of the classes I completed have really given me a better understanding of the codes, and what the questions are really asking.
Thanks for all the help you have given me.
Lindasue Landes
I'll let you know my grade
Parent - By cccasey (**) Date 07-26-2004 22:59
Good job Linda Sue,
I'm very interested in your progress. Congratulations on your first week, stay focused for the remaining courses.
Keep me posted, my email is
Good luck on your test!! Let me know when you're taking it.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-27-2004 10:43
I've heard nothing but good things about that class, I'm pleased to hear your week is going well. Take good notes, as they do throw a lot of material at you in a short time and it is hard to absorb it all.
Keep us posted as to your progress.
John Wright
Parent - By jstan Date 08-11-2004 15:30
I also attended the 2 week course and exam at Hobart. Elmer, Chuck, and Nelson are outstanding instructors. I attended in May 04, I received my results in 3 weeks and passed. I'm sure that if you completed the assignments that were given nightly and done reasonably well on the practice tests that you should have no problem passing the "BIG TEST". Let us know how you did!
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / First week at Hobart

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