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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Converting Lincoln "letter" settings
- - By johnkhenley Date 08-02-2004 16:28
Hello all,
Noob here, so be kind. I did a search, and did not come up with what I was after. I use a lincoln 175 for art/light structure, and I am experimenting with different materials/wires.

I am looking to convert the dial settings on the machine to those of "normal" specs usually used in materials documentation. ie voltage and wire speed.

I am trying in vain to guess at the correct settings for things such as 7100 ultra (dual-shield) and others.

I thank you in advance for your help!
Parent - - By Mike W (**) Date 08-02-2004 18:07
Set your wire speed to a number on the dial and let the wire run out for a number of seconds. Measure the wire and convert to ipm. You can check the voltage with a voltmeter inside the machine where the gun hose gets it's power.
Parent - - By johnkhenley Date 08-02-2004 20:50
thanks for the reply. I was hoping for a ready-made sheet, but I could do that. Thank you, I guess I wasn't thinking....

Parent - By johnkhenley Date 08-04-2004 14:31
well, I thought I would post up the IPM for the lincoln settings for the other hobbyists and artists...

50, 88,128, 167, 205, 244, 283, 322, 360, 400 for 1 through 10

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Converting Lincoln "letter" settings

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