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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / New poster needs wire welder info....
- - By Terry S Date 08-03-2004 23:46
New member to a great forum. Been lurking for a while, and would like to seek info. I have been wanting a wire welder for some time now, so I need questions answered.

Best brand name? I am looking at a Hobart or a Miller. Any other choices worthwile?

Size. I don't need a full tilt 250 amp job, so what is best for general light work. Most of my welding will be of metal no thicker than 1/8 in.

Some of the welders up to 175 amps are 115 volt, some are 230. What are the advantages or disadvantages of each.

Looking very serious at a Hobart 135 in 115 volt. Is this a good choice for welding general purpose? As I said above, most of the welding for it is 1/8" amd smaller.

I will be keeping my Miller portable for larger jobs and emergencies, so it will not be my only welder. Also argon is not a main concern because of the wind faactor when I weld outside. The option will be nice anyway. Thanks all.. Ts

Parent - By hankj (*) Date 08-04-2004 03:10
I have a MM135. It's a nice rig. It'll weld to 3/16 in mild steel single-pass, and it runs on a dedicated 20A, 120V circuit.

If I were going to do it over again, I think I'd go to the 230V 175/180 amp class for the added capacity. Since you already have a large machine, it's probably a moot point. The potability is nice with the small machiines, and runningflux-core, you really have versatility.

Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 08-04-2004 11:17
I have the little Hobart Handler 135, I have no problems recommending that machine to anyone, it's been a great machine for me. Keep in mind that it does great for what it is designed to do, heavier materials need lots of patients and lots of passes. Duty cycle is really low when you have it maxed out. I've welded 5/8 plate full pen using .030" FCAW with it but the plate was just wide enough to get a pass in before the limit switch would kick it off. Have to let it cool and make another pass. I eventually filled that joint, but it can't take that kind of work on a regular basis. If you need more welder, buy the bigger machine.
my two cents,
John Wright
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / New poster needs wire welder info....

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