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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / RE:Malcolm
- - By calabrese052 (*) Date 08-09-2004 13:11
I hope that I am not bothering you too mych Malc? It's just something I've been wanting to learn, and the book I bought mine as well be written in Chinese. And yes, the course is 100% as how you described. Shielded metal arc welding, safety, but it doesn't say anything about mig. I understand you have to start somewhere, but for 379 dollars I could buy that Lincoln I want and just practice on cans and metal in my garage.
Parent - By Malcolm (*) Date 08-09-2004 21:54
No problem. Lots of folks do just what you are suggesting. FWIW MIG is pretty easy to learn compared to the other processes. It is certainly possible to learn it on your own. The key thing is to make sure there is proper fusion between the base metal and the weld metal. A lot of folks who are self taught can make beautiful looking welds with MIG that have lack of fusion.

Have you looked for videos on MIG welding? I know Hobart Institue makes some good ones. But I don't know what they cost. I am sure there are others. Keep this in mind as you practice, if you keeping doing something and it doesn't come out right, you have to change something. Change one thing at a time and see what happens.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / RE:Malcolm

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