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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / What thickness for work bench top?
- - By TomBrooklyn Date 08-11-2004 15:30
I want to make a welding work table for my home workshop. Actually, I have a steel table already that is about 3' x 6' but it needs a top. What guage steel is good for a steelworking table top?

I will just be making occassional projects around the house. My first project will be to make about 10 window guards. I would like something that will hold up, but would like to keep the weight down as much as possible without sacrificing functionality and reasonable durability.

Parent - By cccasey (**) Date 08-11-2004 18:13
A good thickness for the size of table you have would be 1/4" to 1/2". If you're not welding directly on the table then you would be able to use 1'4". But if you're going to use it as a fabrication table then to avoid heat distortion I'd recommend 3/8" to 1/2".
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 08-12-2004 12:42
I like a thicker top, for the reasons ccasey pointed out. But if you are having to handle this table by yourself much, the lighter the better. Your shop just can't do without at least one good sturdy table that will take some abuse.
John Wright

edit: for a top that is 3' x 6' or 18 square feet...
1/4" plate will be roughly about 183.78 lbs.
5/16" plate " " " " 229.68 lbs.
3/8" plate " " " " 275.58 lbs.
1/2" plate " " " " 367.56 lbs.
5/8" plate " " " " 459.36 lbs.
Parent - - By cccasey (**) Date 08-12-2004 18:24
Another idea is to put heavy duty lockable casters on your table for portability. In our shop we use a 4 x 8' x 3/8" plate of A36 for the portable tables and a 4 x 8' x 1" for the stationary tables. The one inch tables are the ones that get the most work, over the years our 3/8" tables have slightly warped or sagged. (Minimal but not good for precise fabrication).
Parent - By Thinkmoto Date 08-12-2004 22:09
We use 1/2-3/4 plates on our work benches and welding benches. The heavier the better IMO
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / What thickness for work bench top?

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