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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Aerowave or Dynasty 300?
- - By fst951 (*) Date 08-19-2004 04:41
Hi Guys

I don't truly understand what the difference is regarding amperage adjustment on both sides of electrode positive and negative allows me to do differently. Can someone tell me what an Aerowave machine will truly allow me to do that a Dynasty won't? I mainly use it on Aluminium casting repairs and fabrication. I would really like some good imput and have searched the archives and can't tell how twice the price will help me.


Parent - By BillM (*) Date 08-19-2004 15:01
The aerowave uses squarewave technology which stabilizes the arc on low power for improved weldability on Aluminum. Continuous high freq is not needed because of the advanced squarewave arc. But the newer Dynasty 300 series also offer this technology. The biggest difference that I have found is that the Aerowave is a Transformer base and the Dynasty 300 series is an inverter base. In my opinion The dynasty is a better machine because it is lighter and uses Auto-Line technology that reads your power input and adjust the machine accordingly. I could go on but that would take about three pages if your any further question call me at 18007411109 ext 348

Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 08-19-2004 16:55

I've had both Aerowave and Dynasty from Beta prototypes to the 2004 model.

What seperates Aerowave from Dynasty in your application, (Working with Aluminum) is Aerowaves ability to control amperage on each side of the AC half cycle. In limited situations this can be a very big thing, perhaps the difference between a repair and a scrap. Also Aerowave provides more power which can make a big difference in massive castings.

Having independent control of EP and EN will allow smaller electrodes that actually deliver more amperage, I will describe just one hypothetical senerio;
On a heavy Aluminum casting you can set your EN amperage to a full 375 or (400 depending on model) and your EP to about 200 amps, with balence control set at 80 to 90% EN. The 200 amps EP will provide all the cleaning action necessary for most wrought or cast aluminum that your going to TIG with the 400 amps EN providing penetration. An added benefit will be that with the sloped down EP your bead profile will be thinner.

Aerowave is very costly but if your one of the few folks who can actually benefit than it has some nice capabilities.

If on the other hand all your projects can be handled with a 300 amp machine than Dynasty may be a better and less expensive choice.

Aerowave does not have a good record in low amp (below 25) arc starting. If you also have very thin detail projects in steels or Ti than I prefer Dynasty or even a Synchrowave 250 over Aerowave.

My advice would be to have your Miller distributer set up a comparative demo and bring in some of your work, when your barganing for a 9 thousand dollar welding rig you can ask alot. Make sure they provide water cooled torches. Study up on the data provided at Millers website for parameter settings and then put both machines through the paces, including running Dynasty past its duty cycle rating. Also bring some very thin stuff and do a few butt joints to test the arc starting. After that I'm sure you will be impressed by both but have what you need to decide between the two.

Let us know how it all comes out for you.
Parent - By fst951 (*) Date 08-20-2004 03:28
Excellent info, Lawrence.


I currently have a Lincoln 351 Squarewave TIG machine and have been fairly happy with its performance. However I have had some problems with trying to find a happy medium between penetration and cleaning with the simple adjustments. I get larger sloppy beads or under penetrated beads too tall for good welds on some heavy casting sections. I don't plan on using my newer Aerowave or Dynasty for anything really other than Aluminium. I may ask my rep for a demo.


Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Aerowave or Dynasty 300?

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