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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / plasma cutter?
- - By fikey (*) Date 08-25-2004 00:54
i am going to buy a plasma cutter. i want to do some ornamental work and don't plan on cutting anything more then 1/2 inch. i plan on buying a lincoln. any advice?
Parent - By fst951 (*) Date 08-26-2004 03:48
Think Thermadyne.

I have lincoln welders and they are nice units. They don't make great plasma machines.
Parent - By Southern Welder Date 08-26-2004 21:15
I have used a Miller plasma cutter and they are a very good and reliable
machine. Since are only going to cut up to an 1/2 inch I would recomend that you buy the Spectrum 375, but the choice is yours.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 08-27-2004 11:11
We have a couple of Thermo's Cutmaster 100's w/ the air dryer systems and they have been great machines for us thus far.
John Wright
Parent - By kb (*) Date 08-27-2004 14:58
I'll second the Thermal Dynamics vote. I have a Cutmaster 50 with an air dryer and it cuts 1/2 steel like butter. I also like the TD torches. They just seem more rugged (IMHO) than the stock torches on Lincoln, Miller, etc.

KB Fabrications
Parent - By welder99-EWE Date 08-27-2004 14:04
I would advice Hypertherm.
In our shops we use 100, 200 & HD plasma cutters.
Hypertherm "Powermax 1250" a 100 Amp. cutter which is rigid, compact and working in a harsh environments never had any problems since 2 years.

Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 08-27-2004 16:50

I think they must have changed the designation to Cutmaster 101.
John Wright
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / plasma cutter?

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