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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / malcolm vanderhoof and tink
- - By calabrese052 (*) Date 08-31-2004 13:05
Hey guys how are you? If any of you guys watch American Chopper, would you of happenned to see last night? It's the one where their trailer comes off on the Bronx Brooklyn Expsway.(when they build the NY jets Bike) The Fire dept. helps them, they get it back to the station and since the trailer pulled away from the wheel well, they sledgehammer it then weld it again. I was wondering what king of welding that was. It was an electric box like mig welder but the end didnt look like a round mig or a tig...I think it was like a one piece handle with a long piece of I guess wass filler attatched, he was onle using one hand. Would this be stick, if so wouldnt that be too weak to hold a trailer together at its wheel well. The unit looked like the crappy little one I want to buy, but like I told you guys, I dont remember what you said exatly, I appolagize. But My book teels me too stay away from flux core only. Thaks again guys!
Parent - By tinker Date 08-31-2004 16:15
Didn't catch that episode of American Chopper but from what you describe it sounds like stick welding. For stick the electrode holder looks like a big clothspin with the welding electrode clamped between the jaws at the end of it. The holder and the electrode usually form something close to a right angle.

A good stick weld can be plenty strong enough for this trailer job. It's a good choice when you've got any breeze to deal with since that tends to blow away the mig or tig shielding gas and messing up your weld.

Parent - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 09-01-2004 04:19
Don't have cable but it sounds like you are describing stick. Not only strong enough but in this case where there is paint and road grime which may be difficult to completely remove stick is the process I would choose in order to do the best possible job.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / malcolm vanderhoof and tink

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