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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Bulb Tee?
- - By TimGary (****) Date 09-02-2004 15:12
I'm trying to find a source for an odd piece of metal and was hoping someone is familiar with it.
We are making a solid waste catch basin from concrete and steel that has a large sloping concrete pad that ends in a sub surface rectangular funnel. The pad is meant to catch dump truck loads of material thet will be pushed into the funnel with a dozer/front end loader. The concrete pad is to be reinforced with exposed yet flush with the surface steel members that run in a longitudinal pattern, about 3' apart, which are meant to keep the dozer blade from biting into the concrete. These reinforcement members are specified on the drawing as " 2in. Bulb Tee style 168". The cross member detail of this item looks similar to a train rail.
So far, internet searches have come up empty as have my regular steel suppliers.
Does anybody know where to find these items?
I need a total of 890 linear feet.

Parent - - By the hat Date 09-03-2004 00:48
It sounds like what we call "TEE" stock.Give your steel supplier the demensions and they should be able to slit the right size "I" beam.HTH
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 09-03-2004 17:57
the hat,
Those bulb tees don't even show up in the structural shapes books anymore. They were used in concrete as Tim described, and for connecting sheet pilings, and probably for some other uses too. The tee is rolled similar to a structural tee but with a bulb on the stem. Can't just split a wideflange to make one of those rascals.

Tim, can you opt out of the bulb tee and go with a rail section? The rail will be hard and the dozer blade should just slide right along without gouging in.

Sorry, I couldn't find a supplier for bulb tees.
John Wright
Parent - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 09-03-2004 02:50
I found this (lucky google hit)
Chicago heights steel, it seems they at least once rolled this stuff.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 09-03-2004 18:16
Hey there Tim,
I checked for myself and could not locate any of those rascals. So, I enlisted the help of our Purchasing Manager, and to best of his knowledge those are not rolled anymore. He checked about 10 to 12 different places and had no luck.
Also see post above,
John Wright
Parent - By GRoberts (***) Date 09-03-2004 18:44
Possibly you can fabricate a substitue, like taking a structural tee and welding some abrasion resistant bar stock on top of it. Railroad or crane rail seems like the best route to me though.
Parent - By TimGary (****) Date 09-06-2004 18:46
Thanks for the help guys!
We have an excess of 4" S beam in the yard, salvaged as a result of a tear out job last year.
I intend to offer that as a cheap alternative in my bid.
Thanks again!
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Bulb Tee?

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