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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / 110 v licoln welder help
- - By matt sr Date 09-07-2004 17:36
I dont do much arc welding at this point but when i do weld i cant find the right rod to use with this machine since its only a 110 v machine 60 amp fixed my rods are very limited if anyone could help please let me know ty SR
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 09-07-2004 19:27
Try some 6010.
Parent - By matt sr Date 09-07-2004 19:58
6010 but what size rod? i have tried 6011 3/32 but the flux catches on fire. ty SR
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 09-07-2004 20:31
Then you are putting out more than 60Amps. When you say 60 Amps are you talking about the Primary (power in) or the secondary (out put) circut.

Rule of thumb is .001" of filler OD = 1 Amp so 3/32" rod needs around 90 Amps. Thats not an exact figure just a starting point.

What kind of Amp selection do you have on the machine?
Parent - - By matt sr Date 09-07-2004 21:03
the machine has no settings just says 60 amps its just a cheap 100 dollar machine made by lincoln
Parent - - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 09-08-2004 05:11
Say a model number, if it's a constant voltage supply the amps would go out of sight if you tried to stick weld with it.
Parent - - By matt sr Date 09-08-2004 17:06
its a lincoln hobby-weld machine no other numbers on it
Parent - By gangel99 (*) Date 09-09-2004 02:12
This may be a dumb question - but are you sure this is a stick welder? With the exception of invertec tig/stick welders (pretty high end machines) all the Lincoln stick welders I know about are 220v.

Is it possible you have a small MIG welder? They have two knobs - one for wire feed and one for amps.
Parent - - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 09-09-2004 02:40
Thats a link to a seller that has some description and recommendations for rods. They call it a 50 amp machine limited to 14 ga and thinner.
Lincoln's site, has some hits if you do site search (you can get a part's list). Product search produced nothing.

This is a machine of very limited ability. You will have to try different rods until you find something that works and then stick with that.

Sorry I can't be more help.
Parent - By matt sr Date 09-09-2004 04:24
ty bill you are very helpful i guess its gonna be trial and error im using some 5/64 7014 but its 13 dollars a lb time to buy a new machine looking at an used miller thunder box ac/dc 220 v ty again Matt SR
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / 110 v licoln welder help

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