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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Outdated AWS SWPS's
- - By dschlotz (***) Date 09-18-2004 01:05
I have a need of a Qualified WPS for FCAW E71T-1 All position. After three phone calls to AWS technical services for information, I thought that I had enough information to make a responsible purchase. I bought (SWPS B2.1-1-019-94). I did not know that the last two numbers '94' were the date of writting. After buying the SWPS I found on page two of twelve that the proceedure was unfit for modern structural welding. The statement "This proceedure is not Qualified for Notch Toughness" means that it won't pass V notch requirements. I have not seen a structural steel specification since 1998 that did not require FCAW notch toughness. There was no PQR with this SWPS making it equally worthless.
Why is the thing for sail?
Will it be updated?
Is there a place where one can view the specifics of SWPS's before buying?
Who can I write to too complain?

Parent - - By thcqci (***) Date 09-20-2004 13:04
OK, I'll bite. I review our specs here and I do not recall seeing anything about notch toughness in any specs. Have I been missing something buried in our specs? Please educate me if I am missing something.

We use E71T-1 which I wrote 2 pWPS's that covers all positions although 98% of our welding is in F or H positions. Could have probably written one more broadly to cover all positions. Most pWPS are not that tough to write so I have never purchased or viewed one of AWS's B2.1-xxx specs. Are they helpful?
Parent - By dschlotz (***) Date 09-21-2004 11:56
Look in the index of the D1.1 for CVN (Charpy V Notch testing). In most of the drawing specifications I see today, there is a Charpy requirement spelled out for FCAW. It goes something like 20lbs @-20F.
E71T-1 & E71T-8 used in structural applications are usually speced that way in the contract drawings that I see. Also see Table 4.6 D1.1
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Outdated AWS SWPS's

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