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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Heads up displays for underwater welding
- - By Ronin Date 09-26-2004 21:15
I’m doing a project for a college course on Head up displays ( a small monitor display a few inches from your eye capable of displaying text or live video). My question is would this product be of use for underwater welders? Is there any information that could be displayed on a computer screen that would be of use to a welder while underwater? Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
Parent - By gndchuck (**) Date 09-26-2004 23:52
Mainly the only problem that I see with what you would like to do, is that there really isn't much room inside of a dive hat. Another thing, what about the power supply, will it cause interference with the camara that is mounted on the dive hat(if there is visiblity), and would it be another cable that has to be taped into the umbilical. Don't know if you've thought about that. Good luck with the project, and don't mean to rain on your parade. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me, I've been a commercial diver/welder for over seven years in the Gulf of Mexico. If I don't respond right away it's because I'm offshore. Another person you might want to try and contact would be Tom Reynolds at Global Divers, he might be able to give you some input, his number there is 1800-525-3483.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Heads up displays for underwater welding

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