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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / 14 yr old Denver boy wants welding class
- - By - Date 09-28-2004 00:28
Hi - My son is looking to learn welding. His high school does not offer it as a class, nor do any of the other schools in the county.
Is there anyone out there that may know of an alternative class for him to take in the Denver area. I would also like to learn with him
Thanks for any info.
Parent - By Trae Date 09-28-2004 06:10
Look into the local community colleges in your area. Most of them will offer a course that you can take with him. Cost in taking the class from a comm coll will be lower than some other alternatives, yet still teach up to pretty advanced levels (mine did anyway).
Good luck to you and your son, I know you will have a lifetime of good memories with you always in spending time like this with your son, and will garner some great information and skills that you and he can utilize for a long time to come.
I wish you and he the best of luck... study hard, learn well.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 09-28-2004 06:25
Listen to Trae!

Look specifically to non credit night classes, these are usually the most flexable. If your told at first that your son is too young make a personal, face to face appeal to the department dean and tell him your plan to attend as father and son, sometimes exceptions are made.

I took college english with my son as a part of his homeschooling, it was more than fun, we will never forget some the stuff that happened that semester :)
Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 09-28-2004 13:07
An excellent idea! That is, father and son learning to weld together. I just wanted to add that you might want to check with your local welding supply stores (the ones who also sell bottled gases, not the tool department of Home Depot). Those people will likely know what is available in the area. They may even put you on to private individuals that are willing to help.

Chet Guilford
Parent - - By - Date 09-29-2004 03:16
Thanks for all the responses. Unfortunately, the local high schools, night schools and community colleges don't offer any welding classes.
So I will contact the welding supply houses in the area and see if there's any individuals willing to provide private lessons for us.
I'll let you know how it all works out.
Thanks again, Rob
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 09-29-2004 11:40

Community College of Denver has evening classes in an open shop format. The program graduates from this school are in high demand also

Here is one in Glennwood springs that offers non credit evening weldng

Parent - - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 09-29-2004 06:37
Could be that the high school will give credit as an elective for this when you find a course. You have to ask.
Parent - - By thcqci (***) Date 09-30-2004 11:13
Another thought, since we are on the AWS website's forum is to contact the local AWS Section ( for any training available. If it is anything like my area, there is only one welding supply house that is active in the local section.

Unless the demand for welding personnel is low in the Denver area, it seems to me that if there are not many classes available, someone needs to go to that area and start providing some. Should be able to do well if there is little or no competition for students.

Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 09-30-2004 20:57
Good advice on contacting the AWS section. Sometimes we don't think of the obvious because it's right under our noses. Good thing you thought of it.
Chet Guilford
Parent - - By jimparker999 Date 11-03-2004 05:33
I have the same problem - trying to find a welding class for my 15 year old son. I even live in Denver (Littleton, actually). Nothing seems to be offered in this end of town. You might check out the super classes at but those don't work for us. Let us know if you find a course.
Parent - - By SLowChild (*) Date 12-01-2004 04:57
I guess I lucked out, I'm attending A tech school at in Clayton, Ohio and I plan to go to HIWT in Troy, Ohio. These schools are an hour apart.
Parent - - By awevans09 (*) Date 12-21-2004 01:52
I am 13 years old and wanting to take a tig and a mig class. I am also in the dayton area (Tipp City) and was wondering if they would let me take classes at ctc, or HIWT(Hobart Institute of Welding Technology?). If you know please let me know.

Parent - - By SLowChild (*) Date 12-22-2004 02:18
MVCTC does have enrollment for Tipp City students. Your Sophmore year you will be able to take 2 classes and spend the whole day doing what I do. Ask your teachers about it.
Parent - By awevans09 (*) Date 12-22-2004 03:19
do you know if they offer evening classes?
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / 14 yr old Denver boy wants welding class

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