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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / RT film on slope side of splice?
- - By HgTX (***) Date 10-05-2004 22:17
The figures in AWS D1.1 and D1.5 Ch. 6 for RT of transition butt splice show the IQI on the slope side, and the film would go on the flat side. This makes sense because better contact between film and steel is achieved this way.

But does "as shown in Figure 6.X" mean they're actually *required* to put the film on the flat side? Or does that figure only address longitudinal & transverse location of IQI?

Parent - By thirdeye (***) Date 10-06-2004 00:05

I don’t interpret to Code to mean that it is a requirement that the film be placed on the flat side of a transition joint. For clarity the joint is drawn so the reader can see the transition and the relationship of the IQI(s) since more IQIs are required. If the drawing was inverted it could lead to confusion on placement.

I do interpret the Code to mean that source side placement of the
IQI(s) is mandatory on non-tubular joints. The Figures (for transition joints <10” and for transition joints 10” and greater) are showing hole type IQIs on both sides of the joint to: 1. Insure sensitivity and 2. Under certain circumstances the thicker side may require a larger IQI. Since the wire IQIs are positioned over the full width of the joint (and because each wire IQI represents a wider range of material thickness than hole type IQIs) sensitivity is demonstrated by the ability to view the required wire(s) across the joint.

In all honesty, I have radiographed many transition joints with the film on the slope side and it is nearly impossible to determine this from reviewing the film.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / RT film on slope side of splice?

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