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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Brazing of Ni Alloys
- - By Daniel (*) Date 10-19-2004 14:51
Hi, Could anyone provide me some information about furnaces, atmospheres, filler metals and ageing treatments in brazed of Ni alloys, such as Inconel and Hastelloys?
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 10-19-2004 17:17
Wow! Thats a very definitive question, problem is its a little vague.

How about sharing some details or specific's with us.
Parent - By Daniel (*) Date 10-21-2004 07:01
Thank you in advance for your help RonG and excuse me, I recognize that it is a too general question. I will try to specify the question a little more.
Mainly, I need information about furnace brazing applications of Ni alloys (Inconel and Hastelloys) in Marine Gas Turbines. I would like to know what are the most used furnace atmospheres (vacuum, hidrogen...), the most used filler metals (silver base, nickel base...) and the main precautions that you must consider on brazed joints (embrittlement by sulfur and low-melting metals, cleaning prior to brazing, stress corrosion cracking, etc.)
I suppose that the alloy physical metallurgy (solid solution or precipitation hardened alloy) will be very important when you must choose the suitable brazing procedure.
I hope that this details help you.
Parent - By andy (**) Date 10-20-2004 09:27
and also try posting in the brazing forum!
Parent - By shaquile26 Date 10-20-2004 14:57
Dear Daniel.

Im interested in your question. Would I advise you that do you consult to boss design, thissss, what is the name of? ok,already i remember A. Ulloa. He is the expert in brazing!!!!
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Brazing of Ni Alloys

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