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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Single Flare Bevel Groove Weld
- - By gsi (**) Date 10-22-2004 20:12
Joint Geometry is a 8'' Structural Square tube with a 5/16" wall. There is a 1 inch plate welded to this tube down the side. (Very typical).
Engineering is calling for a 1/4 fillet weld symbol in the flare ( No Flare symbol on the refrence line). The shop only wants to make a 1/4 " weld in the flare.
My Interpretation is that the flare would get filled up and 1/4" Fillet weld installed. Whats your opinion?
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 10-22-2004 20:34
Engineering needs to clarifiy what is required.

Have a good day

Gerald Austin
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-24-2004 07:26
Hey Gerald, gsi!

I agree with Gerald on this!
gsi, the correct weld symbols for your interpretation would be to have a single flare groove symbol with a fillet weld symbol attached directly above or below the single flare groove weld symbol depending on which side of the reference line the single flare groove symbol is resting on...
I think you know what I mean (arrow side or other side)...

You should also ask engineering whether or not they're concerned about distortion on the 1" plate (thickness? what is the length and width of the plate?) because, if engineering designed this so that the plate mates with another surface, you may run into problems later on.

You might want to suggest intermittent fillet or even intermittent single flare groove welds (staggered or chain) if indeed engineering requires fillet welds on top of the single flare groove welds and the length of the joint is long enough in order to control distortion. If this turns out to be the case, engineering would do themselves justice to use a multiple reference line welding symbol in this application in order to control distortion and to properly sequence the welding operation.

Finally, I think FWIW, you're correct in questioning the welding symbol for this joint... Just make sure you clarify this with engineering and make sure you get it in writing (have them revise the welding symbol on the engineering drawing and sign off on it) what they really want in order to CYA!!! Btw, any preheat required on the 1" plate? What type of carbon steel are you using (ASTM number)? Anywho, good luck with talking this over with engineering!

SSBN727 Run Silent... Run Deep!!!

P.S. Hey Gerald, hows the weather down there? All the best!!!
Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 10-24-2004 09:21
Currently in Nashville, Plenty of rain but other than that the normal beautiful southern weather.

Parent - By MBSims (****) Date 10-24-2004 17:01
I agree with the other responses, you need to have engineering clarify their intent. Assuming they wanted the same strength that a 1/4" fillet would have provided, they would need about 3/16" effective throat. This should be easily obtained without completely having to completely fill the flare. Filling up the flare and then adding a 1/4" fillet would be overwelding and cause unneeded work and distortion.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Single Flare Bevel Groove Weld

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