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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Confused about P-No.
- - By peterbil (*) Date 11-02-2004 09:01
I am currently preparing a WPS for corrosion resistant overlay of ASTM A216 Grade WCC using SS316L filler rod. Referering to ASME Section IX the P-No. for A216 WCC is 1 Group No. 2 with nominal chemical composition C-Mn-Si my question is that is it OK to put in the Base Metal Specification Type and Grade as P-1 materials or A216 Grade WCC only? I am realy confused I will appreciate if you could help me with this concern.


Parent - By chall (***) Date 11-02-2004 14:02
It's a good question. We normally just say WPS qualified for all P-1/S-1 materials, as specified in ASME Section IX, QW-422.

You will have to do some educating, but people will come around.

Parent - By GRoberts (***) Date 11-02-2004 18:59
I normally put the material specification as well as the P No. on the PQR, and then put the P No. as a minimum on the WPS (and group No. if impact testing is required, but since you are using WCC, it shouldn't be). I also list material specifications on the WPS when it seems appropriate, but I don't think it is required.

Make sure what material you have though. If you have ASTM A216 Gr. WCC as opposed to ASME SA216 Gr. WCC, then the material is S No. 1, group 2, not P No. 1. Then if you qualify on an S No. material, you can not use it later for P No. material, but you can use a procedure qualified on P No. material to weld S No. material.
Parent - - By peterbil (*) Date 11-03-2004 06:24
Thank you for taking time to reply. Ok I have P-1 materials are Groups 1 and 2 under P-1 qualified for this WPS?
Parent - By Bonniweldor (**) Date 11-03-2004 15:14
To begin answering this question, start with QW-403.5.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Confused about P-No.

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