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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / SNT-TC-1A passing score
- - By weber (*) Date 12-04-2004 11:20
Hi everybody.

I’ve recently had an exam for UT level II with following result:

General written 40 questions 94.87%
Specific written 30 question 86.66%
Practical 71%
Overall average 84.17%

I shocked when I saw “Unsuccessfully completed an examination in accordance with SNT-TC-1A guidelines (2001 edition) to ASNT level II for ultrasonic test.”
As I knew, passing score was 70% for each part and 80% for overall average.
What is wrong? And what is passing score according to SNT-TC-1A guidelines (2001 edition)?
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 12-09-2004 17:55
Hi weber,
I'm with you on this, unless the 2001 version has ben changed from the 1996 version that I have.
"Examinationsadministered for qualification should result in a passing composite grade of at leaste 80 percent, with no individual examination having a passing grade less than 70 percent."

Let me know why you didn't make it as a UT II. Did the employer have different pass/fail percentages in their written practice?
John Wright
Parent - - By thirdeye (***) Date 12-09-2004 18:19
Hi John.....More on this subject on the Certification board. Have not seen you on the forum lately...Hope all is well.
Parent - By weber (*) Date 12-10-2004 09:19
Dear all

My question is discussed well in "Certification & Qualification".
I invite you to read it.

Best regards
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 12-14-2004 13:56
Hello Third Eye!,
Yeah, all is well. Sorry, just haven't been checking in on the forum like I used to. My job here is becoming more and more intensive and requires my full attention. Hopefully we can get through this upcoming audit and life will get back to it's usually pace of rushing, rather than the borrowing of time from one project to complete another type rushing around. It seems that we have several snaggs in our manual to get ironed out before attempting the audit to the new standard.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / SNT-TC-1A passing score

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