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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Argon/Co2 Regulator for MIG
- - By reggie_obe Date 01-19-2005 15:46
I was given a number of regulators with attached Argon flowmeters. Can these be used to regulate an Argon/Co2 mixture or for Stargon? If they can't, why wouldn't they work properly?
Parent - By agong (**) Date 01-19-2005 18:18
Yes you can use for mixed or st CO2 or Ar.
What's the problem?


Parent - By sparx (**) Date 01-20-2005 13:43
the deciding factor as to what you can use it for, is the nut and nipple on the flowmeter. a CGA 580 is designed for inert gas (argon, argon/co2, argon/02, helium, etc.)
a CGA 340 is designed for CO2. If the nut has external threads, it is most likely a 580. (could be a 590 for high pressure cylinders) if it has internal threads with a nylon washer it is most likely for CO2. (If it has internal threads and notches on the outside denoting left hand threads, it is probalby for a Hydrogen mix)
there are obviously more examples than this, but these are the most common.
Parent - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 01-21-2005 06:43
The gasses have slightly different viscosities so the little ball will not go as high for one as another. If this was a critical application you might have to recalibrate. In general the difference won't be enough to matter.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Argon/Co2 Regulator for MIG

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