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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Microalloy Solubility
- - By tusko Date 01-26-2005 20:33
Hello, who can tell me about solubility of microalloy additions. I'm familiar with Ti and Nb solubility in medium carbon steels but I"m working with high alloy (hi NI and hi Cr) steels and wonder where to look for solubility data for Cr, Nb, and rare earth metals.

Thanks in advance.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 01-27-2005 00:49

Try ASM Metals Handbook Vol 6.

Your local college library or engineering dept. will have a copy.
Parent - By tusko Date 01-28-2005 15:30
Of course I don't have that one volume handy right now, but I will look into it.
Could you recommend any research papers or authors that have performed such investigations. I'm used to low carbon and medium carbon steels where the solubilty product Ks=A-B/T type relations are used. I'm curious if such arguements hold for Cr carbides (I'm 90% certain that they don't but I can hope) and then with all the nickel I'm sure the solubility product needs special consideration for niobium and other microalloying elements with high partitioning coefficients.

Thank you Lawrence, I'll check out that reference.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Microalloy Solubility

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