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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / 4130 help
- - By TRC (***) Date 01-27-2005 17:57
Can anyone suggest a filler wire for 4130. It will be pwht. Welds will be single bevel groove, double bevel grove (not complete penetration) and fillet. Weld sizes are only 3/16 grove and fillet.
I was planning on GTAW for the single bevel groove and GMAW or FCAW for the fillets.
Code is D1.1, will I have to do a PQR or is it prequalified? Can I do a combo test using GTAW for the root and some fill passes before filling and capping with GMAW/FCAW?

Thanks in advance- Ted
Parent - By TRC (***) Date 01-28-2005 22:39
Parent - - By Mikeomni1 (*) Date 01-28-2005 22:58
AISI 4130 is a material controlled and specified only by its chemical analysis. The physical properties are developed by heat treating.
Generally the heat treatment is a water quench and temper to a particular hardness and tensile range. To answer your question, we would need to know the minimum required physical properties of the material to be welded and the PWHT details.


Parent - By TRC (***) Date 01-29-2005 00:42
Thank you Mike, I'll get more details tomorrow or Monday. Ted
Parent - - By jwm80 Date 01-29-2005 22:04
ER80S D-2 is a high carbon content wire that would more than suitable for GTAW. 3/32 dia. wire would be be my choice.
Parent - - By TRC (***) Date 01-30-2005 02:16
10-4 on the 80S for the GTAW. Any thoughts on the FCAW or metal core/solid? Found out that the weldment will be stress relieved only and not "heated treated RC30/40", does that make sense?
Parent - By Mikeomni1 (*) Date 01-31-2005 21:39
Rockwell "C" hardness in the range of 30 RC to 40 RC approximates a tensile strength range of 136 ksi to 182 ksi. Most any electrode or filler metal you use will be under matched for the 4130 base metal in this hardness/tensile strength range. The high hardness indicates the material has already been quenched and tempered. 4130 in this part of the world is generally welded with a realitively high preheat and interpass temperature and insulated to slow cool or placed immediatly in PWHT to prevent cracking of the HAZ.

Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / 4130 help

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