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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Ultrasonic test of Nickel alloys
- - By weber (*) Date 02-11-2005 02:25
May somebody explain how to do Ultrasonic test by an angle probe in Nickel alloys? please explain in detail that what frequency, kind of wave and ... must be used.
Parent - By NDTIII (***) Date 02-11-2005 05:25
Can you be more specific? What type of nickel alloy are you trying to examine and what product for is it?
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 02-11-2005 12:15
Hi weber,
Like NDTIII stated, you need to provide more specifics to give us an idea what it is you are trying to accomplish using UT on this material. Are you looking to check welded joints? If so, we need info like thicknesses of materials joined, joint configuration, etc.
John Wright
Parent - - By weber (*) Date 02-11-2005 13:47
It’s a butt, single V-groove weld with 30mm thickness and a 70 degree groove angle. UT man says sound doesn’t penetrate inside the material. And base metal is ASTM B564 Gr.1 and filler is NiCrMo-3.
Parent - By NDTIII (***) Date 02-12-2005 04:14
It can be done on that thickness, but you will need to use refracted longitudinal waves. The probes should be dual focused, with a frequency of about 1.0 MHz-2.0 Mhz. The probes should also be focused for about 25-30mm.
I am assuming the 70 degree groove angle is inclusive giving you a 35 degree bevel angle. You should examine it with various angles such as a 45, 60 and maybe even a 70 degree search unit.
I have performed these examinations on 3-4" thick cast stainless steel with success.
You can contact a man by the name of Mark Davis. He can give you more insight. This is his specialty. I recommend you post this question on
UT Man is correct if he is talking about normal shear wave probes.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Ultrasonic test of Nickel alloys

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