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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / MT & PT Procedures?
- - By KeithCWI Date 03-13-2005 02:04
I'm new to the NDE world. I may be asking a question to something i should know but I'll ask any way. I just got my Level 2 MT and PT. The level 3 instructor teaching me said i had to get procedures signed off by a level 3 and that's about 1,000 dollars per procedure. How about some pre qualified procedures for this. We only have so many ways to test welds using these 2 methods. I can see having procedures wrote by a level 3 for RT or UT maybe but PT and some of the dry MT testing is just about as simple as it gets. I'm sure if i read more in D1.1 I'll see info where i can find these procedures. Thanks for any help on this you may have.
Parent - By NDTIII (***) Date 03-14-2005 04:32
If you are working to a code, you would not only need to have the procedures approved by a Level III in those methods, you also need to have your own certification procedures.
If you are performinmg the NDT yourself, you would have to have a procedure within your company either designating a Level III or designating an outside agency to certify you and your procedures. You can use an outside agency, as long as they meet the requirements of SNT-TC-1A or whatever document you are working to.
Taking a course does not certify you as a Level II.
You must first gain documented experience and then be certified to your comapny's procedures.
This is a requirement of SNT-TC-1A.
Of course, that all depends on what your client will accept.
Parent - By wblum (*) Date 03-29-2005 17:59
Visit I am a consulting Level III who can provide you with Level III approved procedures for less than $1000.00 per procedure.
Parent - By Bill Mc (**) Date 03-30-2005 18:28
I have a question:

If you "just got your Level II for MT and PT".... What M.T. and P.T. procedures did you use to get the required experience hours for certification, and who certified you to level II?
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / MT & PT Procedures?

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