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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Welding symbols
- - By Louis (*) Date 03-16-2005 17:13
My students and I were discussing welding symbols. You have a single Vee-groove weld in a butt joint where one member is thinner than the other. Lets say one member is 3/8" thick and the other is 1/4" thick. How would you express the depth of preparation if you want there to be a 1/16" land on each piece? I know there is normally only one depth of preparation given, but in this case would or should there be two given?
Parent - By DGXL (***) Date 03-16-2005 17:54
Knowing you are an instructor and your class is probably not using a WPS, simply put a 45* angle dimension and a 1/16" root face detail on the board.

Depth of prep would result in 2 dimensions, which is why you would want to transition (2.5 to 1) the thick member to a thickness equal to the thinner piece. The detail only needs to be as strong as the weaker of the two elements. Anything else would result in overwelding the joint.

If a depth of bevel dimension is applied, it would be in relation to the thinner member joined @ 3/16".
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 03-16-2005 19:10
I agree with DGXL concerning the detail of this joint. There are more guidelines shown in AWS D1.1 :2004 Section 2, paragraph(s) 2.7.1 & -Structural Welding code to help with this.

Also see AWS D1.1:2004, Figure 2.2
(A) If welded from one side and has two different thicknesses and you transistion the weld surface at 2.5:1

or (B) you can use welding and chamfering at 2.5:1 of the thicker piece

or you can use (C) If you want to chamfer the thicker piece at 2.5:1 as DGXL explained.

John Wright
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Welding symbols

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