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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Plasma temps?
- - By PaulyZ (*) Date 04-08-2005 15:17
Anyone know the approximate temp of the pilot arc and/or gas temp @ nozzle exit (not during welding) on a plasma system?

We are looking into a micro-plasma system for a sub 1 amp spot welding process. Our part would be rotated under a fixed torch between welds so the magnitude of the above mentioned temp is critical.

Parent - By MDG Custom Weld (***) Date 04-22-2005 11:46
Plasma temps are based on a number of factors: the orifice size of the plasma tip, the tungsten size, the depth of recess of the tungsten, the pilot arc power, and most of all the speed and volume of the pilot gas. I have first hand experience that the plasma column can reach to 25,000 F under the right circumstances, but typically is less than 6,000 F. For your application, the plasma tip and tungsten size will be the critical factor. I have seen plasma systems with a max output of 5 amps. This system was used to weld around the end of a blood draw needle. It was used to break the inside edge and 1/2 of the outside edge so it cuts into the skin and not cut a plug of skin out. This process works very well in micro systems. Good luck with your process.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Plasma temps?

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