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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Old Lincoln Welder
- - By fredmc Date 04-16-2005 17:23
My neighbor has an old Lincoln Idealarc welder that he is trying to get working. It is a single phase 60 cycle 220/240 welder. They have wired it but the fan turns VERY slow and even at high amperage the arc is VERY weak. It is hooked up as 220 v.

Does anyone have any knowledge of what might be wrong here.
Any help would be appreciated.


Fred Mc.
Parent - By supermechanic (**) Date 04-17-2005 00:46
Verify the input volts. Sounds as if it is getting about half of what it needs.
Perhaps there are taps for 440/480, and you are on these with your 220.
If you arn't proficient at working with commercial voltage, get a qualified electrician.
It's easy to 'make your last mistake' when dealing with anything approaching this voltage level.
Parent - By Jim Hughes (***) Date 04-17-2005 13:59
Mke sure on the primary side voltage that you have isolated the neutral leg. Don't do this by color but with a meter. You need to make sure you don't have the machine neut. and the primary side hot leg tied together or vise vercer. You should have two primary hot legs (120 & 120 volt) feeding the machine and a neutral leg. Mke sure your neutral from the primary and the neutral from the machine are tied together, and then each 120 leg from the primary and 120 from the machine are tied together. If you take a volt meter and check your primary side voltage, which is the power feeding the machine, it should be 120 to neutral and 240 together. IF YOUR NOT SURE HOW TO USE A VOLT METER PROPERLY OR HAVE LITTLE EXPER. THAN GET A QUALIFIED ELECT, FOR SAFETY SAKE!!
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Old Lincoln Welder

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