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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / 316 LVM
- - By hybex Date 04-18-2005 14:46
We are trying to weld a 316 LVM Rod into a 316 tube. The 316 LVM does not have the same characteristics as the 316 and can't be welded using Tig or silver solder. Any ideas?
Parent - By - Date 04-18-2005 15:40
The "LVM" designation only means that it is a Vacuum Arc Remelted material meeting all the requirements of a 316LS. If you are using the TIG process and using a 316L TIG wire you should not have any problems. The characteristics should be the same. Silver solder will not work. What do you mean "it can't be welded using TIG"? The 316LVM rod and the 316 tube have the same nominal chemistry except the straight grade 316 has a slightly higher carbon content, which will not affect the weldability. Please explain what you are experiencing.

Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / 316 LVM

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