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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / messer m.g. plasma/oxy-fuel mts 4500
- - By domeier Date 04-19-2005 22:33
can anyone offer help/idea of where to look for a oxy-fuel problem?
torch body is getting hot to the touch, poor cut, multi-torch cut is next to impossible (anything over 2, I have 10), steam then liquid (water I think) is coming out of the tip of the torch after running a few minutes only after turning the torch off. I've done extensive troubleshooting, (far too long of a list to go into here) several people have been involved. List of pro's involved include: Praxair, Quality propane, Harris tech, Messer MG tech's (2) and phone tech's, Asco rep's and tech support, Thermal cutting consulting Inc. (NASA tech for 7 years), Lakeland Eng. group rep's and tech support........and more......the most common answer I get is "wow, that's a strange one"......I'm up for ideas....I know this may not be the right place to be asking this question, but I'm grabbing for straws at this point. Any idea's, please send them my way.


lapham-hickey steel
eagan, mn
Parent - By pjseaman (**) Date 04-20-2005 02:56
Questions in return, Flash arrestors-yes or no? Back flow check valves- yes or no? Are the cylinders standing upright, because if not then the problem would be acetone being released into the torch- if so then the torch is probably toast. I am just stabbing in the dark, so please don't think I am being a jerk.

Hope this helps,
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-21-2005 06:05
Hi Pat!

Weldcome to the forum!

the first question I have to ask you is; are these water cooled torches?
Because if they are, then your problem is alot easier to troubleshoot...
You say steam or water is coming out of the tip of the torch after running a few minutes and only after turning the torch off?

After reading this, I'd have to say there's a problem either in the torches water jackets, o-rings, improper assembly or if there's a solenoid attached to the feed line then, there maybe a problem there or in the circuitry that would turn off the solenoid when cutting and then open it after shutting down (installed in reverse)...

I know I'm taking a shot in the dark here but, when you consider the small amount of info you've provided, this is what you get for a response.
Good luck with your problem and if you could provide the forum with more details - who knows!!! We may just be able to help you solve this problem.

Run Silent... Run Deep!!!

P.S. The only other thing I can think of is; for some reason or another, there is condensation coming into your O2 line because you're using a manifold attached to liquid O2 tanks... Then again, that's just a guess.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / messer m.g. plasma/oxy-fuel mts 4500

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