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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Dynasty 200DX problem
- - By smaw8 Date 04-23-2005 03:07

I would sure appreciate if any of you Dynasty DX owners will help me in setting up my machine. First, I have a RFCS-14HD foot control and have always set my amps on the panel and started welding by just pushing on the foot control.There is no variation in the amperage on the remote, just on and off. here are my settings:
Process -Tig HF Impulse
Output-RMT Standard
Pulser -off
Sequencer is off in RMT Standard

I put it on 'Lock Out Level - 4 but it still does the same thing, on and off, no output variation.
What am I doing wrong?? Please help me.
Parent - By Skyhawk Greg (*) Date 04-24-2005 16:08
I am new to TIG welding, and the Dynasty 200DX in particular, so any help will truly be limited. However, I copied your settings, fired up the Dynasty, formatted the machine to your settings, and tried it. It worked just fine. Only two things come to mind. One, is have you set the amperage high enough to actually be noticably variable? For instance, if it were set too low, the range of the foot pedal would only be from zero to the too low setting, and may not be visually discernable. Two, is that on page 33 of your manual, it shows how to reset to factory defaults. Maybe this will help. Greg
Parent - By pjseaman (**) Date 04-25-2005 01:06
What is your amperage set at?
Parent - - By smaw8 Date 04-25-2005 21:12
I found the problem!
It's in the foot pedal. I took it apart and found there is a geared belt that rotates the potentiometer and one end is connected to a plastic stub that you can see by looking at the top right-hand side of your foot pedal if you have the same one I have. The other end is connected to a spring. The belt broke right where it goes into the stub. The foot pedal looks to be heavy duty like the name says but the belt could probably be a bit stronger since it is a moving part. I put some 5 minute epoxy in the broken part, tried itand it works fine now. Thanks for the replies and your help.

Parent - By pjseaman (**) Date 04-25-2005 23:05
Glad to hear it, and how old is your footpedal, call the mfg and let them be aware of the issue and maybe someone else wont have the same trouble, and maybe they might send you the whole part as a repair. Doesn't hurt to contact them.

Parent - By smaw8 Date 04-27-2005 00:32
I'll do that, I got it new 14 months ago from Miller. I do like the pedal because it is heavy duty except for that one part of course.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Dynasty 200DX problem

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