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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / In Iraq Help!!
- - By Brian D Couper Date 04-25-2005 11:54
Fellow CWI's I'm in Iraq doing QA/QC.I have some of the worst welds on the planet,and no access to D1.1.The problem is I need to reference the code before I can reject the welds.Is there any place on the internet where I can read the code book to site specific code #'s.Or anyone that has the code that can relay the areas I need.You help will be greatly appreciated.
ps I have pictures of the action here for anyone that can help me out.
1) welding over paint
2) unequal weld legs
3) porosity
4) underfill
5) lack of fusion
5) unknow filler metal
6) no welder qualification record
7) no wps
Parent - By ziggy (**) Date 04-25-2005 12:26
With all due respect, Halliburton can't afford $360 for a D1.1?
Parent - By Brian D Couper Date 04-25-2005 14:07
If you only new the problems getting material to this part of the world!This project was given to us by the client with no warning
Parent - - By mksqc (**) Date 04-25-2005 17:42
I would get ahold of AWS online and see if you may be able to buy a d11 that you can access online. its worth a shot. Good luck. Here this might help AWS phone # is 1-800-443-9353
Parent - By DGXL (***) Date 04-25-2005 18:13
I sort of have to agree with the comment about the cost of a reference by Halliburton regardless of the circumstances. Believe it or not I humped about 50 lbs. of code books with me when I did my tour.

That aside, your request is somewhat vague. Specifics would have to be provided to help you better.
AWS D1.1:2004 provisions
1) welding over paint: [5.15]
2) unequal weld legs: [Table 6.1, (6)]
3) porosity: [Table 6.1, (8)]
4) underfill: [5.24 and Figure 5.4]
5) lack of fusion (IF): [Table 6.1 (2)]
5) unknow filler metal: [6.5]
6) no welder qualification record [6.5]
7) no wps: [6.3]

I have worked in the Middle East in the past. Don't be expecting the quality of work here at home, especially under the conditions you guys are currently working. Post an e-mail addy and I can help you - to a point from my office.

Good luck and stay safe. My young nephew is there now, basically mine sweeping looking for bombs and booby traps with the Engineers. He just didn't want to get into welding...
Parent - By HgTX (***) Date 05-02-2005 21:42
You can buy a downloadable PDF version of D1.1 for the same $360 cost as the print version (minus shipping charges, presumably). You can only download it to ONE computer, and you can't cut & paste from it, but you'll have it without having to wait for something to be shipped.

Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / In Iraq Help!!

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