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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / A F4 qualification definition?
- - By wallysperry Date 05-27-2005 21:24
I have just passed 1G,2G,3G,4G-F4 Qualification tests. Im just wondering what this actually qualifies me to weld on and with what electrodes.Thanks.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 05-27-2005 22:23
Hey Wally, Welcome to the fourm!

The short answer is I suppose that your qualified to weld groove welds in all positions to the thickness of the material you tested on with the electrode you used to test.

A more detailed reply I'm sure will come when you can tell us to which code you qualified and with which process.

Or am I missing the meaning of the F-4 thing? not familliar with that term.
Parent - By wallysperry Date 05-27-2005 22:53
Thanks for the reply, Ok the sheet I got from the inspector says at the top.
ASME QW-301, Section IX, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
Thickness- 0.375 "
Base Metal P #- P1
Filler Metal- E7018
Filler Metal F #- F4
Position Qualified- 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G
Vertical Progression- Uphill
Bend Test~Transverse root and face [QW-462.3(a)]

Thanks again.
Parent - - By GRoberts (***) Date 05-28-2005 01:03
The F numbers are the way ASME groups together electrodes that are of the same difficulty to weld with. Examples of F4 electrodes are E7018- which you took your test with, E8018-C3, E11018M... In ASME, if you qualify with an F4 electrode, you are also allowed to use electrodes with a lower F number as they are supposed to be easier to use, such as E6013, or E6010.
Parent - By Shane Feder (****) Date 06-01-2005 10:39
Hello Mr Roberts,
Read your response last night and started getting seriously worried.For years I have been making my welders (pipe) do separate tests for F4
( E7016 root run) and F3 (E6010 root run).Raced in to work this morning to check my ASME IX code and breathed a sigh of relief after checking the relevant section.
Qualifying with F4 with/without backing only allows you to weld lower F numbers with backing.
Thought I had better clarify this for wallysperry's benefit so he has a better understanding of the limitations of his qualifications.
Welding with backing means having a backing material (ceramic, steel etc) or backgrinding/backgouging a double sided butt weld.
Hope this helps,
Parent - - By wallysperry Date 05-28-2005 03:59
Thanks, So are these tickets a good starting point, I've been welding for about 10 months and dont really know where to start , with tickets that is.
Parent - By swnorris (****) Date 05-31-2005 13:46
As GRoberts indicated, electrodes for SMAW are grouped in relation to the required skill of the welder. The F group designation allows a welder qualified with an electrode of one group designation to use other electrodes listed in a numerically lower F group designation. In D1.1, a welder is not qualified to use an electrode with an F number higher than indicated on the weld procedure qualification record. Here's a general description of the types of electrodes that can be found in groups F1-F4: F1 electrodes are heavy rutile coated iron powder electrodes such as E7024. F2 electrodes are most rutile consumables such as E6013. F3 electrodes are cellulosic electrodes such as E6011. F4 electrodes are basic coated electrodes such as E7016 and E7018. There are only four F groups shown in D1.1, but I think there are several more used in ASME. Just remember that you are not qualified to use electrodes higher than those in the F4 group with your current qualification.
Parent - By Bill Mc (**) Date 05-31-2005 16:50
Your ASME tests also qualifies you to weld on the following materials:

P-No. 1 thru P-No. 11 materials,
P-No. 41 thru P-No. 47
in thicknesses up to 3/4".

It also also qualifies you for unlimited thickness fillet welding.

It also qualifies you for some welding on pipe.
Parent - - By wallysperry Date 05-31-2005 19:29
What type of pipe welding exactly...if you dont mind. Thanks
Parent - By Bill Mc (**) Date 06-01-2005 12:31
You are qualified to weld pipe (over 24" in dia.) in the Flat, Horizontal, vertical, and Overhead position.
You are qualfied to weld pipe (under 24" in dia. and over 2-7/8" dia.) in the flat and horiz. position.

Your certificate info did not state, but I am assuming you used a backing plate, or backgouging when welding your test plate. Assuming that, you are qualified to weld butt welds with backing only. Any butt welding on Plate or Pipe will also have to be with a backing plate, a backing ring, backgouging, weld backing, or other backing. You are also qualified to weld all position fillet welds on pipe.
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-01-2005 15:03
Good job Shane.

Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / A F4 qualification definition?

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