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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / What Certifications and How?
- - By Acooljt Date 05-28-2005 04:07
I'm sorry to the veterans here, but I'm a rookie when it comes to the educational part of welding(though the actual welding itself I'm fairly decent at, haha). Anyway, I'm furthering my education in the fall by enrolling in the Welding Specialist program at the local community college. After that I'm assuming that it would be good to obtain some certifications for employment purposes. So what certifications are out there and what are the requirements to obtain them? I'm sorry for being so ignorant on this subject, but I guess everyone has to learn somehow. Thanks to you all in advance.
Parent - - By welder53 (*) Date 05-28-2005 23:08
What is offered in your welding specialist program?
Give us a little breakdown and maybe we can give you some direction.
For example; will it be SMAW, GTAW, FCAW, etc.
Parent - - By Acooljt Date 05-29-2005 02:58
Alright, I'll list out all the classes:

Basic Composition(writing class)
Elementary Algebra
Applied Geometry and Trigonometry
Basic Drafting
Welding Blueprint Reading
Welding Theory I
Maintenance Welding
Stick Welding I
Stick Welding II
Stick Welding III
Welding Equipment Maintenance and Operation
Welding Theory II
Semi-Automatic Arc Welding(GMAW)
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
Advanced Industrial Semi-Automatic Arc Welding

If I don't get real good at TIG in that class, I'd like to further it more then, because I'm not sure what I want to do with my life, but building roll cages, full-tube chassis, drag cars, or just plain street and hot rods all interest me. I've been workin on cars since I was born so combining welding and cars seems like the thing to do for a living, who knows. But anyway, if cars falls through, I need a welding certification.

Sorry for babbling, please proceed with your analysis of what certifications I can get and what not. I'm just kinda wondering how I need to go about getting them(like do I need a certain number of years experience?) or do I have to take certain classes or what? I would like to complete the certification process in as short as time as possible because I then want to go to a university and get myself a 4-year degree to fall back on(not sure what the major will be).
Parent - - By welder5354 (**) Date 05-30-2005 18:49
Your course sounds pretty indept. The main thing with your course is to make sure that you practice, practice and more. I don't think you will see much maintance on welding machines. Most machines today are made to last, thats because of the sale competition.
Before you finish school, you want to make sure that you have 6010 & 6011 on root passes down pretty good. A high percentage of welding is done using 6010 or 6011 on first pass,and then fill and cap with 7018 or FCAW. GMAW and FCAW should be easy to catch onto. If you get the opportunity to use the GTAW, go for it-this is the process to try and master. The United Association of steamfitters & Pipefitters are always looking for good welders in both SMAW & GTAW. Make sure you leave school with a good knowledge in blueprint welding, there is nothing worst than a good welder who can't read drawings.
Parent - By Acooljt Date 05-30-2005 19:02
Alright, sounds good. Yeah, I REALLY wanna learn GTAW. As my old teacher once put it, it's the "Cadillac of welds". I took a manufacturing class in high school and got a crash course in it, but between projects, I never had time to practice. I'm pretty good at GMAW, been doin that for about 2 years(just on cars and other misc. stuff). And SMAW I'm still workin on, I'm alright but nothin to brag about.

Anyway, after reviewing my class schedule, could you tell me what certifications I can get with this? Or do I have to have a certain amount of years experience or what? I mean I'm real dumb in this aspect of things, I don't know anything about certification besides the fact that you need it. But I don't know what certifications are out there, what they mean, and what it takes to get them. Haha, so idiot terms would be helpful.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / What Certifications and How?

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