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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / welding 1144 stressproof
- - By dwaynem Date 06-01-2005 13:20
My company has a welding process that is experiencing hot cracks
we are using 309lhs wire to weld a 4"diameter 1144 shaft that has been pre heated to 400 degrees to 10 gauge 304 SS (the process was set up beforte I got here)
in my limited experience with 1144 I have never been able to weld it

does anybody have any suggestions on how to improve this process?
Parent - - By MBSims (****) Date 06-01-2005 22:19
None here. With the 1144 having a sulfur content of 0.24-0.33%, it will be near impossible to get rid of hot cracking.
Parent - By MDG Custom Weld (***) Date 06-02-2005 11:52
The Sulfer content is really hurting the hot crack problem. It might help to use 307 weld wire instead of 309. I would hope the slightly lower Cr and Ni, along with the higher Mo would help the crack sensitivity. This is just a guess, MB and Chuck might have better ideas.
Parent - - By - Date 06-02-2005 12:17
In the past, when using a high sulfur content material, a heavy bead is recommended when using a 309LHS. The typically ferrite content of the 309 is around 12-18 FN, which helps counteract the hot cracking. The likelyhood of cracks will be there for the high sulfur, but it can be overcome. Slow your cooling rate down as much as possible and you should have success. GMAW and SMAW have been the 2 processes that have shown to be the most successful. Good luck.

Parent - By cfrancis (**) Date 09-29-2005 17:35
We had a similar situation several years ago. I changed to ER-312 qire which achieved very high ferrite levels and took care of the cracking issues.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / welding 1144 stressproof

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