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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / sciaky spotwelder capacity
- - By grf68 Date 06-15-2005 20:56
hey everyone,just wondering if anybody out there would know how to figure what kva you need on a spotwelder to have the ability to weld what you need it to?.
Parent - By machine Date 07-15-2005 05:09

First you must calculate the Duty Cycle of the load you will be placing on the equipment. That formula is:

DC={(N x t)/(60 x f)} x 100

N = Production Rate (transformer energizations/min)
t = weld time
f = frequency (power line frequency I.E. 60 Hz)

Then calculate the kVA demand of of the load. That formula is:

kVA-demand = (secondary voltage X welding current) / 1000

It is important to rememeber that transformers are rated at 50% DC in a 1 minute integrating period. So, the kVA 50% DC would be:

KVA-demand X sqrt(DC / 50)

Hope this helps!

Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / sciaky spotwelder capacity

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