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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Millermatic 210??
- - By Onebadpolaris Date 07-04-2005 04:27
does anyone know a good place to get a 210 for a good price .... ive been shoppin around and they all seem to have the same price, any recomendations? Thanks Austin
Parent - - By lift mechanic (*) Date 07-05-2005 04:01
I bought my 210 about 5 months ago. What I found is there priced about the same. Found some on Ebay a little cheaper with free shipping but decided to go with my local dealer. That way Ican take it back to him if I have a problem, and I get great recomendations on what wire to use for what job. The machine works great lays a great bead.
Parent - By pjseaman (**) Date 07-05-2005 05:04
I priced brwelder and cyberweld, then talked with my local guys and they got close, then I had to pay the sales taxes but I have gotten more than that back in support from the guys. Be honest with them and they will treat you right.

Best thing about using a local dealer, the relationship and know your important to them. You have to buy gas, and they don't allow full cylinders to be shipped so local it is, make them your friend it will pay off very well in the end, I assure you.


ps Love my mm210
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Millermatic 210??

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