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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / New Career move, Electrician or Welder?
- By JJMcBlast Date 07-06-2005 05:37
I am looking at Electrician or Welder, Im 36 years old, and need a new career! Electrical looks like alot of math, IE: Algerbra....

Welding Ive heard is Geometry, and very good pay if you can find the work. Im a sculptor, so Im good at basic Geometry, 3d perspectives. What type of jobs are there in welding? (Colorado) Just trying to hedge my bet here. The Electricians manual is very interesting, but its like a dany PHD to get a licence...


Hey, Thanks-JJ
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / New Career move, Electrician or Welder?

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