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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / UT Procedure for D1.1
- - By ftorre (*) Date 07-10-2005 14:17
I am in need of some info regarding the UT procedure set forth in D1.1. My company has a written procedure for the UT inspection of structural welds ONLY. This was written in accordance with D1.1 requirements. Does this procedure have to be signed off by a level 3 UTand if so where in D1.1 does it state that? Also can a level 2 UT with CWI status approve the procedure if it is written to D1.1 ONLY? I would appreciate any and all comments on this subject. Thanks.
Parent - - By thirdeye (***) Date 07-10-2005 15:15
AWS D1.1 does require that NDT personnel be qualified in accordance with ASNT recommended practice SNT-TC-1A. You need written documentation of certification. UT personnel are also required to pass a separate examination based specifically on the UT requirements of the D1.1 Code. This examination is usually employer based, but I have seen some that were client based. (Sometimes a demonstration of ability is also required). We document this examination on the qualification form.

As far as NDT procedures used, they must conform to the requirements detailed in Section 6. There are a couple of references to the fact that the NDT personnel should be familiar with the limitations of particular test methods.

To answer your question, since your firm has written a procedure, yes I would think that your Level III would sign off on it, as this is not in the jurisdiction of a NDT Level II or a CWI. From a contract point of view, The AWS procedures described in Section 6, Part D stand on their own. Your firm may be able to state in writing that "NDT procedures used by Level II NDT inspectors conform with the requirements of AWS D1.1-2004", or wording to that effect.


Parent - - By ftorre (*) Date 07-10-2005 16:10
My company does not have a level three on staff, that is my concern. Do my D1.1 UT procedures require the approval of a level three? Or as you stated are they "stand alone" procedures and can be used without a level three signature?
Parent - - By thirdeye (***) Date 07-10-2005 19:38
My read on this is D1.1 provides the UT procedures to follow when doing work to the Code. In this sense, the procedures are stand alone. D1.1 requires that the UT Level II's are certified to the SNT-TC-1A document plus the additional D1.1 specific examination before performing UT to the procedures in D1.1. Your Level III would not have to approve the procedures in D1.1.

When NDT procedures are written by a company, they are usually approved by a Level III in house or by a Level III from outside agency that your firm uses for this purpose.

I think I would be more concerned that your client may question your personnel certifications, without a Level III on staff. How do you perform training & testing?

Parent - - By ftorre (*) Date 07-10-2005 21:42
Thanks very much for your input. Your information is very helpful. As to our personnel, our techs are certified through an outside agency which provides training and testing along with certs. My main concern was that a level 3 was required to sign off on our D1.1 UT procedure. Thanks again.
Parent - - By NDTIII (***) Date 07-11-2005 04:15
AWS D1.1 Para. requires Level I and Level II NDT personnel other than visual be qualified in conformance with the latest edition of ASNT Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A.
It also states certification of Level I and Level II individuals be performed by a Level III individual who has been certified by ASNT , or has successfully passed the the written examinations described in SNT-C-1A. This can be an outside agency.
Now if you look in SNT-TC-1A, it describes the Levels of qualifications and what is expected from each level of certification.
A Level II is not qualified in accordance with SNT-TC-1A to interpret codes and standards or develop procedures. That is the responsibility of the Level III. A Level II usually only follows approved procedures and is by definition not qualified to interpret codes and standards.

However, SNT-TC-1A is only a guideline and any deviation must be detailed in the employer's written practice and accepted by the client.
You can use the same Level III who certifies your people to review and approve your procedures as well. Just make sure it is permitted by your written practice.

Although it is not specifically stated in D1.1, I believe the intent is there that a Level III approves everyting involved with NDT. For liability purposes if nothing else. That is only my opinion.
Parent - - By ftorre (*) Date 07-11-2005 10:32
Isn't the UT procedure within D1.1 considered and approved procedure? If so then you can use it without the approval of a level 3? Am I correct or am I not understanding this correctly? Thanks for the input.
Parent - By NDTIII (***) Date 07-11-2005 12:18
I suppose you could if it was agreed between you and the engineer. There is certainly enough detailed information in the code to do so.
Parent - By jfwi (*) Date 07-15-2005 18:00
From SNT-TC-1A "5.4 The employer’s written practice shall be reviewed and approved by the employer’s NDT Level III."

Hope that helps.

Parent - - By thirdeye (***) Date 07-11-2005 13:39

As you stated: "Although it is not specifically stated in D1.1, I believe the intent is there that a Level III approves everyting involved with NDT. For liability purposes if nothing else. That is only my opinion".

I see it a little differently. Consider these examples.

1) 6.1 Scope: Section 6 contains all of the requirements for the Inspector's qualifications and responsibilities, acceptance criteria for discontinuities, and procedures for NDT.

2) Read Part G "Other Examination Methods". It specifically states that NDT methods not contained in Parts D, E, or F of Section 6 require written procedures (including the essential variables) qualifications and acceptance. It also states that these procedures shall be approved by a Level III and the by the Engineer.

These requirements are not mentioned in the other NDT Parts. I would think the intent of the code is that NDT methods contained in Parts D, E, or F do not require the additional items mentioned in Part G. In other words, they stand on their own.


Parent - By NDTIII (***) Date 07-11-2005 13:56
Hi Thirdeye,
Thats pretty much what I said in my last comment. I looked closer at the code and saw that it has enough information in it for a Level II to follow and perform an adequate UT examination as long as it is agreed to by the Engineer.

I can understand the requirements for "Other Examination Methods"

The NDT Technicians do however have to be certified by a Level III, who is certified in accordance with SNT-TC-1A.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / UT Procedure for D1.1

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