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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / mig plate test pulse spray arc mode
- By spraymaster Date 07-19-2005 23:27
i am looking to pass a plate test for the company i work for. they want the test to be done vertical up and overhead in the mig pulse spray arc mode. the plate will be 3/8 thick 22 1/2 bevel on both sides, 1/4 backing strip and 1/4 gap for the root. i have run many pass but could not burn a root in that would pass a bend test. i am using er70s-6 wire and have tried using 75-25, 95-5, and 90-10 gases. i didn't really care for the 75-25 arc doesn't flow well, 90-10 and 95-5 works great but doesn't get that root burned in enough. i am using a thermal arc ultra flex 350 pulse machine with a pulse pendent. i'm looking for any help on taking this test. how many volts i should run? amps? wire speed? back ground current? peak current and all the other pulse options. also am i using the right gas? and wire? maybe a er70s-3? the funny thing is other people in the shop have past the test using the 75-25 but can't seem to help me set my machine. please feel free to email me all information will me a great help. thanks neil
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / mig plate test pulse spray arc mode

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