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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / A place to talk
- - By drake (*) Date 07-21-2005 12:23
Hey everyone,

I am a manager for an IRC network and I thought I would offer all of you here a place to come and talk shop and make new friends in the trade.

I am starting a welding chat channel on the IRC network I manage so I am asking all of you to join me on the IRC server in the channel #welding ..Just look for Drake anywhere on the server and that would be me

Any questions on connecting ect feel free to post them here.

Hope to see you all soon
Parent - By pjseaman (**) Date 07-22-2005 01:31
How do I get there? Leave me a link, thanks
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-22-2005 11:42

I tried this link and I get the 500 error "Unknown Host".
Please provide a better link.
John Wright
Parent - - By LarryL (**) Date 07-22-2005 18:42
John, if you try
with an "n" after the ". . . have" you'll get to the chat site. It appears to be a general chat site, though. Unless Drake is around you may have to talk with Yak Boy or another person about who knows what subject.
Parent - By drake (*) Date 07-22-2005 23:29 is an IRC Chat server.

to access it you need a IRC Cliet such as mIRC which can be downloaded for free at

once downloaded you will see a server list, just add to it and hit connect and that should work for you

If any need help feel free to email me at drake 'AT"
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / A place to talk

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