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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Vibrating Puddle Arc Welding
- - By kuppuWeld (*) Date 07-27-2005 03:15
One of the new invention coming out of laterla thinking in welding process is vibarting weld puddle during welding to achieve higher weld speed,fine grain structure and improved mechanical properties.

Instead of mechanical vibartions, is it possible to make ultrosnic vibrations in to weld pool.

If you are using mechanical vibartaions, what will be the possible direction and magnitude to avoid spilling of wel metal on floor area.

Plz clarify me.

kuppusamy m v
Parent - - By Orbimatic (*) Date 07-31-2005 10:17
are you refering to the tig process, as used in tube mills?

in tube mills they are using ultra high frequency tig power supplies which allow faster weld speed due to the vibration of the weld pool.
Parent - By kuppuWeld (*) Date 08-01-2005 03:01

Irrespective of any kind of process it is, i am not going to anything with power supplies.Instead, i will impart fine mechanical vibrations to either work piece or work holding table.

Is it possible to do like that.

In TIG Welding, reason why they have gone for HF unit is to have easy arc striking.But my concern is of inducing mechanical vibrations to weld pool without possible spilling off.

Expecting a reply from you.
Parent - By thekoz (*) Date 08-01-2005 14:59
There is a process variation that is new to the US which is being used extensively in the Pacific Rim. It is called Gas Pulser Technology.The weld pool behavior associated with alternate supply of shield gas is of stir action applied to weld pool. This stir action is as a cumulative result of three independent, but complementing phenomena, namely change in arc pressure, change in weld puddle fluidity and impulse taking place as shield gas alternates. Such stir action (dynamic action) affects every aspect of weld quality and productivity. This technology will be highlighted in the Welding Journal later this year. I will search for a website and post it later. Perhaps this is the technology you need.

Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Vibrating Puddle Arc Welding

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