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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Mold micro-welder. Non-arcing process?
- - By cmansonite (*) Date 08-09-2005 16:37
Here is a new one on me. Place a ribbon, paste or powder of filler metal over a repair area and "roll" it on? "Rockilinizing" gets the most hits on the search engines, but there are other power sources around. This is no sales-pitch, just looking for feedback.

Having dabbled a little in GTAW for mold repair, I have an understanding of the drawbacks such as sink around the weld area and the need for proper preheat and PWHT. This process could eliminate that if you can believe all that you read. Does anybody have any experience with this process or these products? Specifically, can you really produce good repairs on molds using it and does it nearly eliminate sink, as claimed?
Is one product listed here superior?

I know most micro-weld questions don't get much of a response here, but what the heck....

Parent - - By ownmind (*) Date 08-12-2005 08:37
Well no-preheating is certainly the attraction. But, like someone put it the other day........this process is similar to putting a plaster on a cut. Homogenity with the base material is a definite problem. It cannot be used on the forming areas of a tool all the time. There's no metallurgical bond that you wud otherwise get in microtig. Also this process is strictly for bearing and not possible for part-formation. You cannot use this on areas where the tool requires surface finish that will be passed onto the finished product (like in plastics). Cutting-edges/Forming areas on tools are still best welded with microtig/microplasma/microlaser. It is highly skill oriented but still the best.
Parent - - By Orbimatic (*) Date 08-14-2005 06:13
Has anybody got any views on wether microtig or microplasma are best for tool repairs.
Parent - By ownmind (*) Date 08-20-2005 05:33
Microtig Vs. Microplasma.
Who is better a man or a woman???? These two cannot be compared so easily. Microplasma machines can also perform microtig. So, both are required for tooling. But largely depends on the applications. Edges are better-off built with plasma while other applications are better-off with microtig. Both are required and a direct comparison to eliminate the other is not necessary.
Parent - By weldjockey Date 08-16-2005 15:40
Ive seen the comment about the spot welding type welders being temporary repairs. Evidently someone is doing something wrong. If you have ever tried to pull or chisel a spot weld apart you know what I mean. The spot welding type machines won't do everything but they can handle just about all the common parting line and wear problems. I have experience with both the Rocklin machine and the KwikWeld machine. The KwikWeld machine is a better machine hands down. I mean the one that welds both cd and ac. Their ac machine is about same as the rocklin machine.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Mold micro-welder. Non-arcing process?

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