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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / Pitiful novice needs help
- - By hokiejane Date 08-12-2005 18:37
Hello Everyone,

I wonder if anyone might have the time to answer a few questions for me. I'm doing work on welding tradeshow and am trying to organize welding products into categories that make sense. Given that I know next to nothing about welding, it's a bit of a challenge. I've been learning a lot on the web, but still have some questions if someone is willing to help. I'll just throw out my questions and hope for a response.

1. "Welding Consumables" seems to be things like rods, wire, strip cladding strips and alloys. What about electrodes? On some websites I've seen them as consumables, and on others not. Also, anti-spatter compounds...I would assume that's a consumable?

2. Is it accurate to say that all welding gases are oxyfuel gases?

3. Here's something basic...flux. Is flux considered a type of welding wire, or is it a thing all by itself?

Thanks so much for any help you can provide.

Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 08-12-2005 19:43
1. "Welding Consumables" seems to be things like rods, wire, strip cladding strips and alloys. What about electrodes? On some websites I've seen them as consumables, and on others not. Also, anti-spatter compounds...I would assume that's a consumable?

RESPONSE: Yes, but probably a related consumable, in the welding world, we tend to think of "consumables" as welding rod, wire, strips, etc., as you mention above. I would make a separate category such as "Supporting Products"

2. Is it accurate to say that all welding gases are oxyfuel gases?

RESPONSE: NO!!!! There are an entire myriad of gases; Argon, CO2, mixtures of Argon and Co2, helium, CO2+Oxygen, etc., etc., there are perhaps hundreds of differnt gases to support welding. The oxyfuels are used primarily for cutting nowdays but for the most part gases I mentioned are gases that shield the molten weld metal from the atmosphere. Try looking up "Airgas" and "Linde Gas" on the web, they should have some pretty decent info and I'm sure others will suggest even more.

3. Here's something basic...flux. Is flux considered a type of welding wire, or is it a thing all by itself?

RESPONSE: Thing by itself, although many welding wire (electrodes) are coated with flux but flux, just like gases, come in hundreds of different varieties and for different purposes. You may consider including that in the "Consumables" category.

Good luck, I'm sure many others will also respond! P/S: You may also consider making your posting in the "Technical" Forum.
Parent - - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 08-13-2005 06:53
Each sort of device has consumables that support it. In catalogs they tend to be listed as subsets to the device. Thus under MIG welders you will often find MIG consumables which include things like contact tips, gas difusers, insulators etc. Parts that have a relatively short service life. In a similar way there are plasma cutting consumables, TIG consumables etc. Wire, stick electrodes etc although certainly consumable tend to get a seperate heading.

I think you have been given an impossible task. I'm sure this subject is capable of generating arguments that go on far into the night. If I were you I would ask the exhibitors what catagories they wished to be listed under and put them there.

I wish you luck untying this gordian knot.

Parent - - By hokiejane Date 08-13-2005 23:14
Bill and Jon,

Thanks so much for the responses. You've helped tremendously.

We were just given all the products in a flat list without any categorization, so it's up to us at least take a stab at organizing it. By keeping the categories as broad as possible, I'm just hoping to not do anything really stupid. Your answers to my questions have gone a long way to help in that regard.

Thanks again!

Parent - - By weldette (*) Date 08-14-2005 20:22
Jane, it is glad to hear of women in this field. I have been welding for over 20yrs and have come accross just a handful of women. Keep it up! If you ever want a womans point of view you can email me at
Parent - By hokiejane Date 08-16-2005 02:08

Sorry to disappoint, but I'm afraid I'm actually not in the welding field. I'm just working on a welding trade show. I'm an engineer by trade.

But it's cool that you're a welder! I don't think I've ever run across a woman who was one.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / Pitiful novice needs help

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