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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Neumatic Test for pipeline.
- - By JCaprarulo (**) Date 08-16-2005 11:21
I am looking some information about the subject in lieu of traditional hidrotest.
Particular case for a 45 Kmtrs. gas pipeline in 24".
Parent - - By sathyanv Date 08-16-2005 12:03
Pneumatic testing of such a long line involves a safety hazard, unless the test pressure is very low. Since air is compressible huge quantity will be required to pressurise the line. In case of a failure, tremendous energy release will be there.
Technically pneumatic testing can be done in lieu of hydrotest
Parent - - By NDTIII (***) Date 08-17-2005 03:37
Parent - By JTMcC (***) Date 08-17-2005 15:10
The code the pipeline is built to would be the first place to start. Many piping codes give guidance for pressure testing with compressed gas.

Nitrogen generators are the common method in countries where gas pressure tests are the norm, like Russia.

Some reasons to not use water are: large changes in altitude, a finnished product that won't tolerate any moisture in the system and in third world countries- cost. Of course a pipeline crossing the barren tundra is more safe to test with gas than one running through a residential neighborhood.


Parent - By JCaprarulo (**) Date 08-19-2005 22:13
Thanks a lot for the information.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Neumatic Test for pipeline.

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