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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / field welds on fab drawings
- - By jbrotzman (*) Date 08-16-2005 19:29
It is my habit to show field weld symbols on shop fabrication drawings. This indicates clearly to the shop that this particular joint is not theirs to weld but that the weld joint needs to be prepped frior to shipment to the field (this responsibility to prep is also spelled out in notes accompanying the drawing).

To settle a bet, is there any standard prohibiting this practice or is it clearly bad practice to show field welds on fab drawings to communicate this information? What say you, fellow weld professionals?
Parent - - By jbrotzman (*) Date 08-16-2005 19:58
Actually, the reason for showing the field weld on the fab drawing is so I don't have to keep answering the question "Is this a field weld or did you just forget the weld symbol?" Two pieces that obviously go together indicates to the shop guy that the designer might vey well have screwed up (again) and left off the symbol. A field weld symbol tells him straight out that it wasn't forgotten, it's for the field.
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 08-16-2005 20:16
I think if you look at AWS A2.4 it will support your practice. I work in a fabshop also and we insist that field welds be indicated for the very reasons you state.
Parent - By dschlotz (***) Date 08-17-2005 03:50
I like to have field welds spelled out on the fab drawings. It helps to plan the work and ship in managable pieces. I hate to cut somthing apart that I have put a lot of work into, because it won't go where the designer intended it to go. The field measure guy should pass the field welding requirements to the design guys.

I vote that it should be standard practice to put field weld symbols on shop drawings.

I hope you win your bet.

Parent - By medicinehawk (**) Date 08-17-2005 08:32
Most "Good" designers will indicate where a field joint is to be. It is usually at a point where (for whatever reason) the reality of real estate(the Field) and the CAD drawing (the plan) do not is called an "out" and is necessary to leave the pipe spool at least 1 foot long so the worse case senario is the fitter would have to trim the part to fit.
On paper...everything "fits" the real world there are many obstacles which are missed by someone and their pc.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / field welds on fab drawings

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