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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Stainless TIG
- - By techwelder Date 08-19-2005 16:02
Does anyone know of a cut-length stainless filler metal for GTAW that is self-shielding?
Parent - - By sparx (**) Date 08-19-2005 16:22
I have tried the Esab flux coated tig rod, originally designed to do pipe roots without the purge gas. I have to tell you, it is pretty ugly to work with. I believe there are a few other manufacturers that produce this type of product, but I can't say for sure.
Parent - - By - Date 08-19-2005 16:30
I agree with you fully. Not only does it not have a good weld bead appearance, but the shielding leaves a lot to be desired. When welding stainless steel, it is recommended to use an inert gas when possible. I'm sure there wll be others that feel differently.

Parent - - By - Date 08-19-2005 18:05
Off the topic, I've just gotten around to reading my July Welding Journal. Your paper is excellent. Written so that even I can understand and learn from it. Thanks.
Parent - By - Date 08-19-2005 18:32
Thank you very much. If I can ever help you with any of your stainless steel needs, welding or engineering, please feel free to contact me. Thanks again..

Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 08-19-2005 16:49

The short answer is no.

Without inert gas it would actually be another process altogether.

Solar Flux can be applied to the BACK SIDE of welds to protect melt thru with some success, but smearing the stuff on both sides with no shield gas on the electrode would be a disaster.

The inert gas protects the electrode, the arc, and the weld puddle, without that gas the tungsten electrode would be gone, blasted into black and yellow dust in seconds.

Nitrogen is sometimes used on the back side of a limited number of 300 series stainless steels but again Nitrogen is not inert and will not be successfully used as a top shield gas.
Parent - - By GRoberts (***) Date 08-19-2005 20:23
The inert gas also shields your tungsen from oxidation. It is not pretty trying to weld without shielding gas with GTAW. Just ask any welder who has accidentally tried to strike an arc before remembering to turn their gas on.
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 08-19-2005 20:47
LMAO!!!! Been there once or twice in the old days... slapping one's self in the forehead!
Parent - By techwelder Date 08-22-2005 13:26
Thank you gentlemen for your help. The gentleman who taught me to weld came to my class the other night and told me about this self-shielding TIG rod. He said he had used it but couldn't remember the name. He wanted me to try to get some info together for him. Once again your help is greatly appreciated.
Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 08-22-2005 14:07
I too have used this product on SS boiler tubes and I LOVE IT. For certain applications it may not be suitable, but for making welds in boiler tubes, it beats solar flux hands down (IMO).

Of course ASME Sec I doesn't really address root oxidation as far as I know and the tubes I have welded are radiographed per customer specs not because of an ASME Code requirement .

Anyway, I like it. I wouldn't use it if I wanted to make one of those "golden arm " welds .

Have a nice day

Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Stainless TIG

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