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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / experinced welder needs advice
- - By bobby1 (*) Date 08-21-2005 12:50
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 08-21-2005 13:44


Here goes. Number one...... Don't stay at your current job and become a slug... If you have lost motivation, get it back or leave. Few jobs last forever and if you can't find joy at work every day than maybe it's time you go. Your in a great position to test the waters and see what is out there that might put that feeling of accomplishment back into your daily routine. Put out applications all over the state or country, see what kind of responce you get. This will boost your confidence right off the bat, Keep the job search to yourself at work while your looking, it's nobodys business but yours. Matching the money? Don't get hung up on that.. Figure out how much you really need and go from there. Satisfaction and less cash is way better than a pocket full of money and an ulser.

If you think teaching might be your bag than apply at all your area community colleges and see if your qualifications might get you hooked up with an adjunct position for a night class. It's a good way to see if teaching is your bag. But, Don't expect a high salary from a teaching position unless you have a masters, and even then it won't match pay for a masters in the private sector.
Parent - By superK (*) Date 08-24-2005 00:58
i spent several years in exhibits/trade show/special events, designing & producing elements for sale and rental. I started on the crew as a nobody, and left as the production manager with 6 departments under my guidance. 100 hr. plus weeks, all nighters, 40 hr straight shifts to meet deadlines. what ever it takes, and i made that my motto, thinking, eventually, i will be appreciated. well, my second child made me realize i was gonna be crapped on there for as long as i could take it. nothing i would do could change the opinion of some suits, who would die after 5 minutes of my average day.
its all on you. even if they give you that middle management job you dream of, are they ever going to see you as an equal?? will you ever have respect, security, thanks?
I gave them outrageous terms, just to see what i was worth. They accepted the plan that best suited them, and i left. I work for myself now, dealing with several companies, that i always come through for. and they don't call anyone else. Its tuff sometimes, but it is more rewarding than being at the mercy of anyone else. If i fail, its on me, if i rock it, its on me.
when you work for yourself, your boss will always understand, and give you respect.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / experinced welder needs advice

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