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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / MIG welding carburized 1018
- - By mr_robot Date 08-23-2005 18:12
Anyone have any experience MIG welding 1018 steel *after* it's been heat treated and carburized? We're having problems with porosity that seem to be related to lot-to-lot variations in heat treated materials, and problems with lack of penetration vs. burn through when joining a 14ga DQ steel to the much thicker heat treated 1018...
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 08-23-2005 18:43
Sounds like a process control matter to me.

Nothing is more weldable than 1018 and the Drawing Quality 14 gauge shouldn't present any problems.

Things to look for:

Inconsistant surface conditions in the weld zone.

Lot to Lot variations in oxide/scale are common enough and might produce the results your trying to fix. Adjustments (if Logics) can be programmed into your sub-routines to deal with these vairiations, or more simply you can provide surface prep that will produce consistancy in the weld zone regardless of the condition of your steel as recieved.

ER70S-6 deals better with scale/oxides than ER70-2 or 3
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / MIG welding carburized 1018

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