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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Pulsed TIG Welding
- - By ownmind (*) Date 08-28-2005 06:36
I would like to learn about pulsed TIG welding machine controls, settings & applications. Where can I find something on the web on this? A technical book is OK too.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 08-28-2005 13:27
Manual pulsed GTAW is of limited value in my opinion. There are a few exceptions, but all of those require welders of the highest skill level. The formost reason there is little value in Manual Pulsed GTAW is that operater speed controls heat input to a much greater extent pulsation ever will.

On the other hand if you have some autogenous welding to do on rotated pipe under 0.100, GTAW-P is a great way to go.

There are also higher frequency GTAW pulsers (over 100 Hz.) that can be purchased now a days. Some say the high speed pulsation "stirs" the weld pool and also claim that very thin fillet sections can be joined out of position. However nobody other than a salesperson has ever convincingly shared a success story with me about this type of equipment. If anybody here at the forum who routinely does this kind of GTAW-P can discuss how one can set this process against regular GTAW and see a difference I would like to know since I have the equipment but have never been able to make it work to my advantage above that of non-pulsed.

Here is an article from the folks at Pro-FusionLine.
Parent - By SWP (**) Date 08-29-2005 21:26
This is a good link. As you may already know, if you go back to the Profusion home page and look under Welding Data and Pulsation ........, they have a "calculator" to help you equate pulsed settings to constant current, and how to figure out frequency and pulse spacing.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Pulsed TIG Welding

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