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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / plazma pipe saddle guides
- - By vern hall Date 11-17-2000 04:10
A friend of mine has some guides that slip over a pipe so you can cut a coped shape with a plazma torch so you can butt a horiziontal to a vertical. they are made out of a gasket like material and come in a set. does any one know what they called and who makes them and where I can buy them? your help would be greatly appreciated.
Parent - - By Weldmedic (*) Date 12-05-2000 22:27
Rapatemp out of Dever Co. makes the layout templates you refer to....
Parent - - By vern hall Date 12-06-2000 01:56
thanks steve you helped me out alot
Parent - By - Date 12-06-2000 18:21
Hello Vern. I have a mechanical engineering friend of mine draw them up for me on his computer, and he will do the same for you if you would like. He is very affordable. He draws up the templates for whatever you want, and all you have to do is make a saddle from that, or just trace it on the pipe and cut away. In fact, he is doing me up another set. If you go to a supplier, a mechanical engineer drew them up anyways. I skipped the middle man....the salesman, and went straight to the source. Tell you what, if you are interested in my engineer's e-mail me at if you are interested, I'll put him in touch with you.

Thought I might help. Slagman.
Parent - - By vern hall Date 12-08-2000 22:09
Steve, I've to locate that company but there is no listing for that name would you happen to have any information that would help me locate them?

Parent - - By Weldmedic (*) Date 12-11-2000 21:41
Hmm.....Lemme check at work on the box......answer on 12 Dec

Parent - - By Weldmedic (*) Date 12-13-2000 04:43
the co that makes the Rapatemp is................R.E. Lee Co. 3819 Inca Street Denver Colorado 80211
Parent - - By vern hall Date 12-15-2000 00:12
thanks steve you've been a big help!
Parent - - By mark Date 01-06-2001 16:26
another source of saddles is Ranchers pipe in OK,I've been looking for some metal saddles myself and this is the only place I've found that has them. THey are heavy duty and cost around 35 bucks each. They have a website at then go to the accessories section. At least I think thats the right section. Good Luck
Parent - By vern hall Date 01-10-2001 21:13
thanks, mark
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / plazma pipe saddle guides

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