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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / engineering HSS connections
- - By zazing Date 09-07-2005 23:40
In AWS D1.1 under they give an equation for converting primary moment to additional axial load.

P = M / (JD sin(web angle))

My question: If I want to work in kips, is M supposed to be in in-kips or ft-kips?

Parent - By swnorris (****) Date 09-08-2005 13:50
It does not matter as long as your units are consistent for all terms. If you use inches in the M term, you must use inches in the JD term. If you use feet in the M term, you must use feet in the JD term. Same thing for pounds and kips. If you use pounds in the M term, your result P will be pounds. If you use kips in the M term, your result P will be kips.
So, M can be anything; kip-feet, kip-inches, pound-feet, pound-inches, as long as you are consistent for all values in the formula.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / engineering HSS connections

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